
Blue green algae causing problems on Big Spirit Lake

Blue green algae causing problems on Big Spirit Lake

Courtesy of Explore Okoboji - Fri 7-20-2012 (Orleans)-- Blue-green algae is starting to make an appearance on some of the Iowa Great Lakes. Mike Hawkins, a fisheries biologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resouces tells KUOO news it's most notable right now on...

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Aquatic Invasive Species meeting planned for July 30

Aquatic Invasive Species meeting planned for July 30

For the last two years the State of Minnesota has been strengthening their Aquatic Invasive Species laws. Last fall, Iowa Great Lakes residents asked the DNR and legislature to strengthen Iowa's AIS laws. Something happened and the AIS changes was not properly drafted...

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USA Today covers invasive species issue

USA Today covers invasive species issue

After Brian Griffin pulls his boat out of West Loon Lake, a couple of weeds dangle from his trailer and propeller. One is a nice surprise: white-stemmed pondweed, an endangered plant, says Michael Adam, senior biologist for Lake County. The other is a problem: Eurasian watermilfoil.

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Temporary Fish Barrier installation in progress

Temporary Fish Barrier installation in progress

Local efforts have been instrumental in the continued fight against invasive species in the Iowa Great Lakes. This week, a temporary fish barrier is being installed at the Lower Gar Outlet to protect the area from further Asian carp infestation.

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DNR Issues update on Asian carp situation

DNR Issues update on Asian carp situation

Mike Hawkins, Fisheries Management Biologist for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, issued an update this week on the Asian carp situation in the Iowa Great Lakes. Following are his findings: The commercial angler has been keeping our office updated on catch...

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Further evidence supports need for electric fish barrier

Further evidence supports need for electric fish barrier

The discovery of additional silver carp and big head carp in East Lake Okoboji this week is further evidence supporting the need for an electric fish barrier. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources issued a news release on Wednesday stating that a commercial fishing...

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Please contact your legislators

We need friends of the lakes to contact their Iowa Representatives to encourage them to support a $200K appropriation for the electric fish barrier in SF-2316 that has already been approved by the Senate. The lakes area legislators - Senator David Johnson along with...

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Supervisors approve funds for fish barrier

Supervisors approve funds for fish barrier

(From Explore Okoboji - March 20, 2012 - Spirit Lake)-- The Dickinson county board of supervisors voted four-to-one in favor of the county contributing $50,000 toward the estimated $700,000 total cost of installing an electric fish barrier on or near the weir at the...

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IGLA hosts Omaha Membership Wine and Cheese Social

IGLA hosts Omaha Membership Wine and Cheese Social

On February 7th an IGLA membership wine and cheese social was held at Security National Bank in Omaha, The hosts were Jim and Diny Landen & Steve and Brigid Wilkening. Over 120 Omaha lake supporters turned out to hear Bill Van Orsdel, president and founder of...

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DNR considers installing electric fish barrier

DNR considers installing electric fish barrier

Officials throughout Dickinson County have focused on efforts to stop zebra mussels from entering the Iowa Great Lakes. Now, a new threat has spawned and water protection groups are trying to prevent the invasion of another aquatic invasive species.

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Media outlets give more attention to Asian Carp problem

Media outlets give more attention to Asian Carp problem

With Asian Carp creeping through the Midwest, media outlets throughout the region are covering the epidemic. Click here to see a recent magazine article by Chicago Magazine. The Omaha World Herald also recently ran an article on the invasive species. Click here to...

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