Nate Rippke

ILYA features Okoboji Yacht Club in latest newsletter

Below is an excerpt from July 31st edition of the electronic newsletter of the Inland Lakes Yachting Association called Scowlines. This is the final report for the July 28 - 30 Inland Class X Championship Regatta held at Okoboji. This was a great event with 92 Class X...

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T-Shirt Design Winner Announced

The winner of the IGLA T-Shirt Design Contest is Patrick Davison of Ames, Iowa. With 12 designs submitted, it was no easy task for the Iowa Great Lakes Association team to choose a winner, yet in the end it was Patrick's design that incorporated so many facets of our...

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IGLA Video: Lower Gar Outlet

IGLA Video: Lower Gar Outlet

Did you know? A little-known area holds significant power in maintaining and preserving the Iowa Great Lakes. Three box culverts at Lower Gar Outlet near Milford have saved Lakes-area residents and businesses from sustaining significant damage when water levels...

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Population Growth

The Iowa Great Lakes is witnessing population growth. Why? Our magnificent natural resources, cultural opportunities as well as lower property taxes in comparison to neighboring communities.   Support #IGLA's efforts in preserving, protecting and enhancing the Iowa...

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Inland Lakes Yachting Association Regatta coming to Okoboji

Your help is needed. No sailing skills on your part required. The Okoboji Yacht Club will be hosting the annual Inland Lakes Yachting Association Annual Class X Championship Regatta on Thursday, Friday, Saturday morning – July 28th, 29th, and 30th. Last year Pewaukee...

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IGLA’s Ideas For Kids

We have published a list of activities for the young & young-at-heart! Arnolds Park Amusement Park, Central Emporium, Creative Spirits, Treasure Village, Pearson Lakes Art Center, Bridges Bay… The list goes on.

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Okoboji lakes continue battle against Zebra Mussels

Zebra Mussels continue to reproduce in the Iowa Great Lakes area, with evidence surfacing as lake residents work with their docks this spring. The first Zebra Mussels were discovered in the Okoboji area in the fall of 2012. Since then, the population continues to...

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Curly Pond Weed infests East Lake Okoboji

Although Curly Pond Weed has been around the Iowa Great Lakes for years, it is now spreading rapidly on the north end of East Lake Okoboji. It is an Aquatic Invasive Species that has crowded out native plants. Because of its thickness and rapid growth feature is...

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Zebra Mussel Update- Fall 2015

As the Iowa Great Lakes area continues to see growth in the Zebra Mussel population, a report surfaced recently of failed eradication efforts at Christmas Lake, Minnesota. The failed effort at Christmas Lake was not a result of a failure to act quickly or a failure of...

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