1157609_567389949992161_2107884021_nThe major sailing regatta for Okoboji is the Inland Lakes Yachting Association Annual Championship Regatta. The Inland Championship this year will be August 7 to 17th for Class A, E, C and MC. There are only six lakes out of the fifty in the ILYA that have the lake size, club facilities, and volunteers that can adequately host the Inland Championship Regatta. The six lakes that typically host the Big Inland are: Green, Geneva, Mendota, Minnetonka, Okoboji, and Oshkosh. The Okoboji Yacht Club hosted the Big Inland in 1999, 2005, and 2008. The last time the large “A” boats sailed here was in 1999 when the venue was Big Spirit Lake. The next few days will be the big boats, Class “A”! On Wednesday, Aug. 14, the Class E and MC boats will be arriving and then competing the next few days! So, enjoy these beautiful boats the next few days on West Lake Okoboji! If you get a chance to watch them race, it will be starting around 11 each morning, depending on wind speed. Thanks to everyone who’s helping put on this marvelous event!

See our full facebook album with all event photos at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.567384059992750.1073741841.285576484840177&type=1