A summit of various leaders from Dickinson County and from throughout the State was held on August 21 and 22 to discuss issues with the water in the lakes of Dickinson County. All 73 groups who are members of the Clean Water Alliance were invited to send representatives to the Summit. This summary was meant to be sent out one full week ago, but due to internet problems it could not be sent. In addition to this summary, the presentations that were given at the Summit can be found at http://cleanwateralliance.net/blog/?p=1237

Over 50 people from all walks of life were present at the Summit and represented farming, urban, economic development, preservation, and other interests where the lakes of Dickinson County are involved. The discussion was terrific and the environment was exciting. For a summary of the Summit, please go to the link above where you will find the agenda, a brief (3 page) summary of the event, and all the presentations that were given that had Powerpoint presentations associated with them.

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