Nate Rippke

Vision Iowa – Arnolds Park Requests $1-Million Grant

President Bill VanOrsdel and community leaders were in Sioux City to present Vision Iowa with a grant request for their "Restore the Park" campaign. Visit to learn more about this exciting campaign to restore our park back to its glory days.  ...

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Hy-Vee Joins IGLA

Thank you to J.J. Hesnard and the entire team at Hy-Vee for joining the Iowa Great Lakes Association. I had a wonderful conversation with this enthusiastic Store Director and how Hy-Vee values not only the pristine environment of Dickinson County, yet how IGLA...

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Curlyleaf Pond Weed Stakeholders Forum

A panel of state and local experts presented the Iowa Great Lakes Community with a plan to address Curlyleaf Pond Weed utilizing increased harvesting with two test areas in early spring with herbicide to retard the plant's dense mat-like growth. Please click the link...

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Public Meeting Addressing Curly Leaf Pond Weed

(Spirit Lake)-- Curly leaf pondweed will be the topic of a public informational meeting tomorrow (Thurs.) evening at the Sami Bedell Center for the Performing Arts in Spirit Lake. Terry Wilts of the East Okoboji Lakes Improvement Corporation says a team made up of...

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Arnolds Park Restoration

Restore the Park Arnolds Park Amusement Park is restoring this crown gem of the Iowa Great Lakes for generations to come. Your Iowa Great Lakes Association is a proud supporter of this endeavor and we ask that you consider contributing, as well. All gifts help, and...

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Center Lake Restoration

The restoration of Center Lake is nearing completion. Water clarity has been vastly improved, the water is no longer overrun with algae and run off has been curbed. This body of water plays a significant role in our watershed. Listen as our President Bill Van Orsdel...

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Des Moines Register covers “monster weed”

A monster weed is invading the Iowa Great Lakes and no one is sure how to stop it.

Invasive curlyleaf pondweed has been choking East Okoboji Lake, snarling boat propellers, burning up motors and shutting down swimming, tubing and other water sports in an area that depends on recreation.

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KTIV Report: Zebra mussels invade Iowa Great Lakes

The Iowa Great Lakes is facing a major threat.

An invasive species native to the Caspian Sea has made a new home right here in Northwest Iowa.

There’s no turning back now, so what will happen to the Iowa Great Lakes as the spread of zebra mussels continues?

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Spring 2017 Environmental Update

Spring 2017 Environmental Update

Iowa Great Lakes Association Environmental Update Spring 2017 Zebra Mussels Zebra mussel populations continue to expand in the Iowa Great Lakes. The populations is expected to continue to increase in the coming years before reaching a limit and moderating. The biggest...

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Curly Leaf Pondweed Meeting held April 4

Curly Leaf Pondweed Meeting held April 4

The Iowa Great Lakes Association held an informational meeting regarding the Curly Leaf Pondweed that has caused issues with recreation in the Iowa Great Lakes.  With over 100 people in attendance at the meeting held at Rolling Oaks Barn, we all walked away with more...

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